National Taipei University of Education Data Science Department Hosts "2024 Educational Big Data Open Data Analysis Workshop" - All Are Welcome to Participate
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1. Objective: To enhance public interest and understanding of AI and educational big data, the workshop will teach Python data structures, BERT sentiment analysis, and other techniques. Participants will analyze educational open datasets and undertake project-based practice to improve their data analysis skills.
2. Event Information:
- Date: July 11 to July 14, 2024. Each session has a different theme and can be registered for individually. Each session is limited to 45 participants, with registration closing either when full or by June 30.
- Location: Room F401B, 4th Floor, Audiovisual Building, National Taipei University of Education.
3. Detailed Agenda and Registration Link:
4. Session Details:
- Introductory Concepts Session
- Topic: Python Data Structures, Web Scraping Basics and Applications
- Date and Time: July 11, 2024 (Thursday), 1 PM - 4 PM
- Note: Beginners are advised to attend this session before participating in advanced sessions.
- Content Analysis Session
- Topic: Learning Content Analysis and BERT Sentiment Analysis via Web Scraping
- Date and Time: July 12, 2024 (Friday), 9 AM - 4 PM
- Data Exploration Session
- Topic: Introduction to Datasets and Hands-on Practice
- Date and Time: July 13, 2024 (Saturday), 9 AM - 4 PM
- Project Implementation Session
- Topic: Data Exploration, Analysis and Visualization, Basic Machine Learning Models or Algorithm Applications, Project Development
- Date and Time: July 14, 2024 (Sunday), 9 AM - 4 PM
5. Registration and Inquiries: Contact Assistant Huang at (02-6639-6688 ext. 53354) or via E-mail:
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